Indiana PA Family Photographer
Are you afraid to get family photos, but the thought of coordinating outfits, coaxing smiles, keeping kids from having meltdowns, picking the right time of day, the right location, the right photographer, and the million other decisions that go into it are enough to send you running?
I sat down with my dear friend and long time family photo veteran to ask her some honest questions about getting family photos done from the mom’s perspective - because let’s face it, it’s usually the mom that makes the plans! Hopefully her answers (and her gorgeous family pics!) are enough to help you conquer your fear and have some beautiful milestones documented.
Why is it important to get family photos?
I love getting family photos to document the growth of our family. I display them in sequential order to see how much the kids change from year to year.
What's the biggest obstacle in preparing for your photos?
No major obstacles for me in preparing for the photos, except maybe just trying to choose a good time in The day that would suit the little ones.
What advice do you have for other families?
Advice for families? Try not to stress over “perfection”. I’m my opinion you’ll be more satisfied with your photos if you relax and allow the photographer to do their thing.
What do you look for in a family photographer?
The photographer has to be good with the kids! I can smile all day long but it’s the kids that sometimes need the coaxing.
Is there anything you pre-plan for your family session?
I actually pre-plan and put a lot of thought into the family’s clothing. I have found I’m much more satisfied with the photos if I’m cognizant of coordinated outfits and also finding a color scheme that would suit my decor where I plan to display the photos themselves.
What's something you've learned to not stress over in regards to family pictures?
Don’t stress over the posing and “perfect” photos. I love the candids so much because they really capture the essence of the family.
Do you prefer outdoor or indoor sessions and why?
We have done almost exclusively outdoor sessions and I love them! But I would be very interested in trying indoor as well, probably only in our home though rather than in front of a set.
Do you like printing your photos, or do you use them mostly digitally?
I always print the photos and also have canvasses made. Love to have them around the house!