Posts in Seniors
IUP College Graduation Photos

As you prepare to graduate from IUP, capturing this special moment with professional photos is a wonderful way to commemorate your achievement. After you receive your cap and gown, consider scheduling a photo session at iconic locations on campus. The Oak Grove with its stunning backdrop of trees, the picturesque Sutton Hall porch, and the historic IUP arch all serve as perfect settings for your graduation photos. You may also want to take photos at any other building on campus that holds significance for you, creating timeless memories of your time at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. These photos will not only showcase your academic milestone but also preserve the emotional connection you have with the campus as you move forward into the next chapter of your life.

college grad photos with friends

In this special time of your life, I understand the value of capturing moments with friends, which is why I offer the option to bring a few companions along to your photo session. Your 1 hour time slot can be evenly divided among friends, allowing everyone to have their share of the spotlight. Clients can view all the photos taken during the session and handpick their 15 favorites. Should they wish to share the 15 final images with their friends, they have the flexibility to do so. Additionally, clients have the opportunity to add more photos at a nominal fee of $25 per additional file.

When preparing for a college graduation photo shoot, it is essential to bring along key items that symbolize your academic journey and achievements. Be sure to pack your decorated cap and gown, which are central pieces for the occasion. Additionally, consider bringing balloons, glitter, champagne, honors cords, instruments, books, or any other props that reflect your personality, interests, or successes during your college years. These items can add a personalized touch to your photos and make them more meaningful. Moreover, feel free to invite your family, pets, significant others, and friends to join the photo session, as their presence can make the experience even more special and memorable. Capture this important milestone surrounded by the people and items that matter most to you.

Indiana PA Senior Pictures
Senior Picture Ideas

Senior photos don’t have to be in a studio, against a plain background, and otherwise boring besides your sparkling personality. I am obsessed with finding places that match your personality, your favorite outfits, and showing off the beautiful town where you spent some of your best memories!! If you want senior photos in cool and unusual places, you found the right person! Suffering from senioritis? No worries my friend - this shoot went from inbox to delivered in 5 days so there’s no reason to stress if graduation is right around the corner!

We started our awesome session on the rooftop of the Indiana Theater (it’s ok - I’m allowed!), grabbed some cool urban-grunge shots in the neighboring alley, fire escape, and parking garage, then put our rainboots on and trekked to Yellowcreek! Even though a tree fell over the steep, muddy trail we had to drive down to get close to the parking area, we all agreed that it was worth it to get some gorgeous shots! Changing outfits was easy in my pop up changing tent, and even though it was a little windy, we used that to our advantage with Emerson’s gorgeous, long curls to get some movement in the photos! Hope you enjoy som of my favorite snaps from this seriously gorgeous session!

Pittsburgh Senior Portraits at the Point

Cas may live in Indiana, PA, but for her senior photo session she really wanted a more urban, big city feel, which is why we ended up at some of the coolest places in Pittsburgh! If you’re a senior, I can’t stress enough how important it is to spend some time talking to your photographer to let them know your interests, talents, hobbies, and vision for your shoot. We were able to incorporate Cas’s love of color, art, coffee, music, and urban life by having a little bit of knowledge about the area and a whole lot of knowledge about what makes her unique!

We started out at Randyland, a wonderfully fun and quirky (and colorful!!) public art spot in the North Side of Pittsburgh. You can check out more about it here!

As a coffee connoisseur, Cas and I thought it would be appropriate to do a few shots after downing a cappuccino in the city’s best coffee spot. Luckily right down the street from Randyland is Commonplace Coffee in the Mexican War Streets area. We did a few shots in front of the town houses that line Buena Vista street before heading to the coffee shop. The owner was very kind to let us capture some snaps while we enjoyed our lattes.

A shoot in Pittsburgh would also not be complete with some of those iconic yellow Pittsburgh bridges, the Point State Park fountain, and the 3 rivers!! We headed to the fountain right at dusk to get some truly breathtaking and twinkly shots! Also, have you ever seen a bassoon at the Point? Well, you’re about to!

I hope you enjoy what was probably my favorite senior sessions ever (the fact that we ate IronBorn Pizza for dinner and Millie’s Ice Cream for dessert didn’t hurt either!)

Randyland Senior Session
Senior Photo Outfit Ideas
Blonde high school senior model with white lace dress standing by a tree and sunset.

Thinking about getting your senior photos done, but worried they won't represent you accurately? I'm sharing some tips on how to dress and choose the perfect location to make sure your photos capture everything that makes you amazingly and uniquely you. When I photograph my seniors, it's one of those most fun and magical aspects of my job. I love making your photos fun, vibrant, and "different" from everyone else's.

Lots of seniors come to me because of the colorful, joyful style my photos take on. Maybe it's because I grew up in the 90's with a Lisa Frank Trapper keeper, or maybe it's because I have a penchant for all things rainbow, but one thing is for certain -  I. Love. Color. When I met Erin, after noticing her striking beauty, I couldn't help but be excited about her cool outfit choices. I always encourage my seniors to bring a variety of outfit styles from dressy to casual, colorful to neutral. Above all, I want everything about the senior session to reflect their amazing personalities. Check out Erin's awesome wardrobe and how we were able to pair her choices with the perfect backdrops!

Blonde senior model in black dress standing by roman column at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Blonde senior model in black dress sitting on wrought-iron bench in front of Fisher Auditorium at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Blonde senior model wearing maroon blouse leaning on a stack of books
Blonde senior model in maroon blouse sitting on white rocking chair on the porch of Sutton Hall at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Blonde senior model with long curly hair flipped to one side
Blonde senior model reading a book outside at Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Interested in seeing more of the cool places we ventured to? Want to see more awesome outfits? Curious about how I get to know my seniors before the session starts? 


It pays off in huge ways when seniors take the time to shoot me an email, message me on Facebook, text, whatever, to help me get to know them! I've posted some of my favorite questions to ask seniors below (and your answers just may help us figure out location choices!)

Blonde senior high school model with white shorts and hot pink crop top standing in front of royal blue wall
blonde high school senior model in white shorts and hot pink crop top throwing glitter at camera
blonde high school model in grey crop top and skinny jeans in a seated pose between two brick buildings in an urban environment
Blonde high school senior model with skinny jeans and gray crop top in urban setting between two brick buildings


. Do you like to spend time outside?
2. What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
3. Do you have any hobbies?
4. Do you like to dress up, or are you more of a casual dresser?
5. Do you like dogs/have a dog?
6. What's something you're passionate about?
7. Pick some of these words to describe yourself:  classy, fun, hipster, trendy, elegant, relaxed, sporty, academic, funky, edgy, introvert, extrovert, (and any more you want to add!)

blonde high school senior model standing on lake dock wearing white lace summer dress
blonde high school senior in nature park during golden hour


Start by going through your closet and choosing outfits that make you feel totally awesome. Don't be afraid to pair old things with brand new things as well. You want to be comfortable and confident throughout your session, so while there's definitely room to go out and splurge on a new top or shoes, mix in the tried and true favorites that really represent you. From there, we can look at the overall feel of the outfit and pair locations that make them shine! If you come with beanies and ripped skinnies, we will probably be heading to the city! If you have a flowered dress, we're going to find a field or a lake! Super colorful top? You already can guess I have colorful places around town scoped out just for you!

Having senior photos done can be a super fun, confidence boosting, and rewarding experience for everyone if you take a little time to connect with your photogrphaer and curate your outfits. This is a milestone you will look fondly back on for the rest of your life! I can't wait to make colorful memories with you!

Who to Bring Along to Your Photo Session

This time of year, lots of people are getting family photos taken with screaming kids, maybe grandparents, or even a fluffy pooch in tow and it may be tempting to call in the troops to help you manage it all - here I'm sharing tips for those who are asked to be a part of the fun and assist during a photo shoot! Over the summer when senior sessions are in full swing, it's common to have your mom or dad to come along to share in the experience and make it less awkward spending a few hours with a total stranger. I have seen lots of clients even invite along friends to wrangle dogs, grandmas to soothe babies, and siblings to hang out during their family portrait sessions too. I LOVE meeting new people, and am always so grateful for an extra set of hands! So, from a photographer's point of view, if you are considering having someone come along for your senior or family shoot, here's some things to share with them!

When the Camera Goes Up, the Volume Goes Down

I spent years as a studio photographer, where it was very common for a crowd to walk in with those being photographed. It's still common now, especially during family shoots, for sisters, friends, grandmas, etc. to come along to "help make the kids smile." The best thing you can do is watch the photographer and when the camera goes up, allow him or her to be the only one communicating with the family, kids, senior, etc. Your photographer has likely had hundreds of subjects in front of their camera and has some tried and true tricks on how to get their subject to authentically smile - in fact, you can read some of those tricks here! The photographer has a certain look or emotion they are trying to coax out of the subject, and it is the most helpful to allow him or her the chance to have the model's complete attention to ensure that happens.

There's No Such Thing As Personal Space

This is more for family sessions, but if a photographer does ask you, the trusty friend or mom, to help get the subject's attention, it's best to stand directly behind him or her. I tell people to basically jump on top of me. If you are trying to coax the gaze of a three-nager directly into the camera, it's best to have the person they are looking at or watching be as close to the lens as possible. Get all up in my biz!

Be a Pack Mule

Here's for all you senior moms and dads. I get this question a lot - is it normal for a parent to come along on a senior shoot? The answer? It's perfectly normal! About 50% of my seniors come to their session with their mom or dad. And as insensitive as it sounds, it's really helpful to everyone if a parent can be a coat rack, more or less. Senior sessions are all about the clothes, am I right? Without minimizing the importance of you wonderful parents out there, it's important that the photographer can get to know the amazing son or daughter you already know so well. Teenagers can be a bit introverted around strangers, and the best thing you can do to help your teenager feel comfortable is to show your quiet support by taking care of the details like holding and organizing their outfit changes.

Let Me Teach You Something

Here's a fun tip for anyone, at any type of session: let me put you to work. I love when folks are interested in the process of the photo taking, and not just focused on getting the subjects to smile. That's my job! I love, too, when you are willing to learn something and excited to help out! Something I've found that people are thrilled to help with is holding a reflector. The photo session as a whole should be an enjoyable experience for everyone, and I've found that when willing parents and friends are teachable and become involved in creating the photo by holding a shiny silver disc, they take ownership of the end product. They too become excited to see a perfectly lit subject, and how their small effort of holding a homing beacon for ET can affect the quality so much. So many people have a closet interest in photography, and I am more than happy to teach and explain anything and everything you want to ask me!

For the senior session highlighted below, Katie chose to come to her senior session by herself. I think it's wise to know yourself and know how you are around strangers, and if being alone with your photographer will push you to talk a little more, that's probably the wisest choice. Katie and I had no problem keeping the conversation going as she taught me about her interests, her family, and her inspirations for the future! I hope you enjoy the highlights of her beautiful session below!

Pittsburgh Senior Photographer


When doing your research for who and where to take your senior photos, there is no doubt that the place people are hanging out online these days is Instagram. You may have heard that Facebook is "dead" and Twitter is just for famous people, but one thing is for certain, the social media world is ever changing, so it's good to be savvy with all of these  juggernauts and make them work in your favor! You may have never thought of Instagram as a search engine, but it definitely is! Just like Pinterest! The key is knowing how and what to search for on each platform! 


Ever heard of hashtags? Of course you have, you don't live under a rock, I presume! Hashtags are an awesome way to search Instagram for anything you could want to see a picture of. Open the app, click that magnifying glass, and explore! If you want to be inundated with cuteness, search #puppies, if you want to find a gym type #yourcitygym, if you want to hire a photographer, type #yourcityphotographer. And you know what's great? When professionals are diligent and consistent with their hash tagging, this brings up a portfolio of sorts, so you can quickly peruse and find a vendor you like the style of right away. This really works, people. I was so honored that the beautiful Kayla, who's senior photos are featured here, found me on Instagram in this exact way! Instagram! I was hired through Instagram. (My mind is still blown!)


The other feature Instagram touts is the geo-tag! By adding a location to your post, people can tap on the location that's tagged above your photo and it opens up not only a map, but other photos tagged in that location! It's literally a way to discover a city through photos! And that's exactly how I found such cool and colorful places that fit both Kayla's style and my brand for her shoot. We had a starting point of Phipps Conservatory , heralded especially for its beautiful flowers and greenery. But I definitely wanted to switch it up from there and take advantage of Pittsburgh's urban vibe, and of course I'm a fanatic for color! By searching the neighborhood Phipps is located in, Oakland, on Instagram, we found an amazing bridge covered in locks that was walking distance from Phipps, and a killer mural on the side of a Mad Mex about 5 minutes away! I hope you enjoy Kayla's senior pics - the whole experience and opportunity was a match made in Instagram heaven!