Even though it may be the last label you would want for yourself, being a “covid bride” can actually have some bright spots, namely getting to choose a separate time and location for some pretty spectacular wedding portraits. Lydia and Tyler initially set a date for the summer of 2020, but then wanted to move the date up to avoid some of the consequences of waiting to have their wedding in the midst of a pandemic. Choosing a small, safe ceremony with just friends and family, the two were able to “make it official” and then save the “big celebration” for a later, safer date.
One of the best parts of this scenario was that we were able to pick a separate date specifically for portraits, one that worked for everyone’s schedule, and also choose a location SOLELY on photos, without having to worry about it’s proximity to a church or a reception hall, for example.
I was very excited when Lydia choose Harwood Acres Mansion, as I had this venue on my bucket list for some time. When you arrive, it’s no secret that it is known as a great location to other photographers too - there were at least a dozen other photographers there! But, the way in which I flow through posing and group different types of people combinations together lent itself to keeping us from hunkering down in one location too long, so we were able to share the grounds and explore the entirety of the property, showcasing all that it had to offer.
Popular with not only photographers but also folks just out and about walking their pups, Harwood Acres boasts some amazing stone architecture, romantic courtyards, secret passageways, and beautiful European style stained glass and roofing. If you are considering having your wedding there, or even scheduling a separate shoot for your portraits, you can rest assured that you will have some fairy-tale looking art for your walls. I hope you enjoy these photos that show off one of the best wedding portrait locations in Pittsburgh!